Beyond Intentions and Resolutions: Unearthing the Roots of Lasting Change

I've never been a fan of New Year's resolutions, and in my coaching practice, advising clients to create them is not a common recommendation. It might sound counterintuitive—why not be proactive in pursuing your desires and making room for positive outcomes?

That's precisely my perspective. For some individuals, the key to creating a significant shift in life isn't necessarily a designated time or place but rather a response to the initial call for change.

These days, everyone emphasizes not just dreaming of a goal but also creating an intention to pursue that goal. However, intention alone is insufficient. While intention is rooted in purpose and underlies the "why" behind our transitions, goals, and desires, it's the connecting roots of discipline, consistency, and an inner willingness to change that truly empower our intentions.

If you often find yourself stuck in a pattern of starting projects but not finishing them, making promises to start goals without taking the first step, or being held back by fear when embarking on new beginnings, intention alone won't carry you far.

To unearth your personal roots, consider asking yourself some self-awareness questions: What is my relationship with discipline? Where in my life do I lack the tools to establish a disciplined foundation, and when did this pattern begin? What is one consistent step I can take one day a week, gradually progressing to two days, four days, six days, and eventually every day? What gifts, talents, and inner resources come naturally to me that I can leverage to build consistency and discipline? Why am I resistant to change, and what outdated belief systems am I unwilling to release?

While intention serves as a guidepost to keep us on track as we move toward our goals and new ways of being, it cannot surpass the influence of the underlying belief systems that form our foundation.

If you're struggling to stay focused and aligned with your aspirations, feel free to drop me an email. Resources are available to you, and there may be untapped potential within you that my coaching practice can help unlock.

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