Capture It! Your New and Reimagined Plan A Is Here.
Photo Credit - @perrylperry
New beginnings require us to go deeper, to become all of the things that we see for ourselves in the moment (through mind, body and spirit) and to step up our game in all new ways. There is nothing like an intentional website, with intentional photography to support an intentional vision and dream. I wanted to create a space that was life giving, life affirming and captured the complexity of not only my personality, but my work with Plan A in a new and evolved way.
I invite you to take a closer look at your life, your decisions and the vision that you have for yourself - in ALL facets. No longer are we living in a space where our personal and professional dreams, aspirations and goals are perfectly positioned in excel spreadsheets - or exist separately. Life inevitably will throw curveballs, unexpected twists and dynamic turns. While you cannot anticipate every storm, you can however, be prepared to courageously engage - expand and rise.
After years of experimentation and curious conversations with everyday people and organizational leaders we discovered that there was a HUGE missed opportunity for both entities, by not fully exploring holistic personal and professional development coaching. Organizations have become fixated on not providing full service personal and professional development opps, because they do not want to lose their star staffers to advanced positions that might take them outside of their company - while, individual clientele have not always believed that their personal life pathologies had anything to do with expectancy of their calling, professional aspirations or life goals in general. Positioned to work in tandem, not only will organizations and individuals both attain their highest possible goals, but will also consistently attract greatness in all realms of their life.
And, is that not what we all want? To do work that we thoroughly enjoy, feel called to and live a fulfilling lifestyle that makes us humbly scream: Thank you. More Please?!?
I am here to tell you - every aspect of your personal and professional goals are strongly connected - and through the work that you'll experience with Plan A, your life button will be refreshed, relationships healed, courage unlocked and opportunities gained to be the very best you that Life has called us all to be.
Your story matters and I want to make sure that you experience the very best end result.
Welcome friends! Your new and reimagined Plan A awaits.