The Dreamer’s Dilemma


Over the last couple of months, I toyed with the idea of having a speaking engagement that directly spoke to my experience as an entrepreneur—Beyond the Pain: Finding Miracles and Triumph In the Dreamer’s Dilemma.  The title says it all, right? 

I find it hard to believe that the Universe takes us through a myriad of ups and downs, only for us to land in a space of despair—a place where we can no longer understand the difference between test vs. permanence.  

It was not until I changed my perception, in the midst of what I perceived a permanent position of stagnation, that I understood my own personal power in shifting the narrative that I was telling others and myself. 

My dream became a burden. 

“Yeah, it’s great to sit here and read fluff advice,” you might be telling yourself. And, I completely understand where you are coming from. 

The “Dreamer’s Dilemma”—a state where one’s current life has not caught up to the individual’s explosive imagination is what I am referencing here.  What do I mean? 

You have incredible ideas, talent and gifts beyond belief, and a work ethic that could run laps around any individual, but have yet to experience a return on your capital. And, it’s not that money is the larger reason for sharing your gifts, but at bare minimum you need to move beyond the space of surviving—the Dreamer’s Dilemma.   

What will change the Dreamer’s space of barely surviving? 

  1. Acceptance that is leveraged in peace of knowing that you have everything that you need. With deep breaths along the way, the Dreamer’s Dilemma requires a higher way of living, creating and being, with where you are. It does not say, “You will always stay there”—but what it does offer is a larger revolving door of opportunity to come your way.  The Universe just wants to know that you can handle more. Are you really ready to handle what you have requested? 
  2. Timing.  Timing is actually a great gift that we take for granted when dealing with our talents vs. delivery of next level gains.  We never truly respect timing until we are able to see the end result—but for the Dreamer, he or she, must see it in the immediacy—a strengthening of your faith muscle to understand that timing protects, enlarges and teaches.  Learn everything that you can now before a larger platform arrives. 
  3. Faith in action. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, at the core of every Dreamer is faith. The dilemma? Faith is always tested at a higher height for the dreamer, namely because you are birthing something that is original, something that comes from a complex space of creativity—found in your soul.  The soul is a precious commodity that lodges every experience that has ever happened to you, informing your path (past, present and future).  The Universe wants to know if your faith matches the level of talent that you possess, because all gifts/talents must be paid for in theory. The asking price? A clear agreement that you will make sure you share, encourage and empower others with your active faith experiences. The cycle of Dreamers must persist in order for our world to function. You are required to teach what you have learned. Understanding this concept just might be your secret sauce. 
  4. We must move beyond our limiting areas of operating in all things as Dreamers. 

The Dreamer’s Dilemma? 

Sometimes, it might not always make sense, or ever practical, with unyielding spurts of frustration.  

Rise above it and you will soon welcome in a tangible new reality. 

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