The Number 1 Hidden Reason Why Your Job Is Not Working For You

You have prepared professionally, academically, and mentally—and have networked beyond what you are able to stomach. Moving from company to company seems to be a common theme. You’re close in finding a business “home”, but it’s not quite the flavor that you were looking for in your professional heart of hearts.

This week, I concluded a consultant and coaching process for a not-for-profit, hosted by a leading asset management company in New York City.

As each speaker came to share their personal and professional wisdom with the program participants, there seemed to be a commonality that they ALL shared—Happiness. Everyone was overwhelmingly happy! Each speaker seemed to thoroughly enjoy his or her job and it was not a facade. We all could feel the authenticity behind their stories and experiences.   

OK, beyond the traditional perks of being at a great firm, culture, affirming policies, etc., what in the heck attributed to such excitement—especially in such a demanding corporate world?


Behind every speaker’s brief presentation was a hidden appreciation for an incredible alignment of core values shared by both the company and the employee. 

What if we had it backwards all along? What if bonus structures, salary and other enticing packaged benefits were the last thing that we should consider when looking at a new role?

Of course, the above is also extremely important, but when our personal value system is in alignment with that of our employer it creates a long-lasting relationship that will make you want to go the extra mile, wholeheartedly. More importantly, value alignment affords you an added level of peace to your life, as a result of your professional work resonating with your personal code of ethics.

Selling for, being a part of, and working towards, can be a more enjoyable experience.  Do not be afraid to ask about company values, morale and core beliefs that are important to you.

When you are not in alignment with your core value system, you inevitably set yourself up for failure, even in the workplace. If you find yourself in an environment where you’re questioning company ethics, integrity and your personal “go-to” – “must have” core needs, it just might be time to jump ship.



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